An infectionus disease specialist is a doctor of internal medicine who is quialified as an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases.
ID specialists have expertise in infections of the sinuses, heart, brain, lungs, urinary tract, bowel, bones and pelvic organs. My training focuses on all kind of infections, including those caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi. parasites and infections due to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the cause of AIDS. I offer outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy in site. Along with my specialized knowledge comes a particular insight into the use of antibiotics and their potential adverse effects.
As a member of the ARC and Infection Control Committee i designed a study with Pharmacy and Pharmacy students correlating use of Levofloxacin and development of C. Difficile infection, instituted specific guidelines for appropriate use of Daptomycin, was instrumental in developing and supervising the protocol for fecal microbiota transplantation, lead ID collaborator to make recommendations for Neurosurgical prophylaxis and evaluate risk factors for surgical site infections. Suggested introduction of Multiplex PCR for respiratory viruses to Pathology-Microbiology lab. Served in special group sessions for appropriate use of antibiotics in the E.R. Taught most of the ARNP’s from the ICU in ID. Performed quality assurance work as a member of the Directory Advisory Commitee for the Dept. of IM as vice chairman of the IM Department for 2 terms under different chairman and Chief of the Infectious Diseases subsection. Preferred ID consultant in the ICU as a solo practioner.