Sarah Humphreys is an internal medicine provider established in Miami, Florida and her medical specialization is internal medicine (infectious disease) . The NPI number of Sarah Humphreys is 1497106520 and was assigned on June 2016. The practitioner’s primary taxonomy code is 207RI0200X with license number ME151474 (FL). The provider is registered as an individual and her NPI record was last updated September 2021.
An internist like Dr. Sarah Humphreys M.d. is a physician who has completed an internal medicine residency and is board-certified or board-eligible in an internist specialty. Internists are trained to care for adults of all ages for many different medical conditions. An internist typically monitors chronic physical conditions, identifies acute diseases, provides family planning, provides counseling about wellness and disease prevention, etc.
Sarah Humphreys is enrolled in PECOS and is eligible to order or refer healthcare services for Medicare patients. The provider is eligible to order or refer: Part B Clinical Laboratory and Imaging, Durable Medical Equipment (DME), a Home Health Agency (HHA) and Power Mobility Devices.
Sarah Humphreys is a non-participating provider of Medicare. If you are a Medicare beneficiary this means the provider can charge up to 15% more than Medicare’s approved amount for the cost of rendered services, in addition to your normal deductible and coinsurance costs. There are some states that restrict the limiting charge when you see non-participating provider. If you pay the full cost of your care up front, your non- participating provider should still submit a claim to Medicare. Afterward, you should receive reimbursement from Medicare for up 80% of the Medicare-approved amount for the services rendered.